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Sunspot Baby Logo

Thursday, July 2, 2015

We are at Jackson Creek in Deltaville, VA. It’s a great anchorage surrounded by nice homes and a couple of marinas.

The trip down the bay from Solomons was lumpy and crossing the mouth of the Potomac we had 4’ seas in confused directions. Once past Smith Point Light, they were coherent and abated gradually as we worked our way south. By the time we got here, conditions were great.

We have launched the dink and set up the barbecue. We plan to stick here until after the 4th. Maybe we will avoid most the fleet of fast boats fueled by beer and testosterone leaving big wakes. Of course to be anchored out we need reliable dinghy and generator.

The dinghy has yet to regain my confidence, but I have changed the fitting on the fuel tank that leaked and removed the complicated fuel demand valve from the line. I have added an additive that STP promises fill fix problems related to ethanol in the fuel. We shall see.

The generator has not been playing nice. The problems are centered around the fuel control solenoid. By climbing into the engine space and manipulating it manually I can get it to start and or stop as needed. No generator would not be a big problem if it weren’t for our all electric galley.

We will probably start moving again Sunday afternoon when most of the holiday weekend fleet will be sunburned and headed for home.